Guthrie Co. CourthouseThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors convened yesterday for their second meeting this week, and much of the discussion pertained to the Diamondhead Lake Sanitary District.

Sanitary district officials Phil Littler and Tony Padden spoke during the meeting along with County Sanitarian Stephen Patterson, and though the bid for constructing a new sewage system at the lake came in about $100,000 more expensive than estimated, the Supervisors have agreed to purchase the bonds that will be used to pay for the project.

Littler says the low bid, which is likely to be accepted within the next week, came in from Des Moines metro-based Synergy Contracting at roughly $661,000.  When an estimate on a new Diamondhead Lake sewage system was formulated two years ago, it was expected to be about a $550,000 project.

To pay for the additional cost, Littler says the lake will now hike its user fees and also consider using a property tax debt levy if need be.  Bonds are not expected to be purchased for another few months, so the sanitary district will utilize interim financing through Stuart’s First State Bank to help pay for the early stages of construction.

Littler and Padden hope to see construction of the new sewage system begin early next month.  If that happens, Littler estimates work would be complete by early November.

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