
A Perry man was arrested for an alleged incident in Jefferson.

According to court documents, on March 13th Austin Hill was playing a slot machine at Wild Rose Casino in Jefferson and won a jackpot of $7,599. Court documents show that Hill moved away from the machine and asked 65-year-old Paul Purviance to sit at the machine. Casino staff asked for Purviance’s information and when staff reviewed the surveillance footage, it was discovered that Hill won the jackpot. 

Hill’s information was run through the Iowa Department of Administrative Services Offset Program and found out he owed $40,000 in set offs. Court documents show that Purviance admitted that Hill offered him money if he would claim the jackpot. 

Purviance was arrested this past weekend and charged with a Class D Felony for gambling-avoid setoff. He was booked into the Greene County Jail. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.