
A bill that may not have gotten much spotlight through the Iowa Legislative Session is awaiting the governor’s signature to become law.

District 24 Senator Jesse Green (R-Boone) says both the House and Senate passed a bill that would allow small agriculture producers to sell raw milk. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio Iowa is one of only six states that does not allow raw milk to be sold. Green believes allowing raw milk to be sold in the state will not harm the dairy industry overall.

“This opens up the opportunities for small producers to make a little side income. In this post covid environment and during covid that’s where a lot more demand for these types of niche markets have come from. And so that’s what’s kind of driving this new legislation to finally cross the finish line and get to the governor’s desk.”     

Green points out some of the stipulations in the bill include storing fresh milk below 45 degrees, distributing the product within seven days of an animal being milked, along with only allowing dairy animals such as cows, goats and sheep, and if an animal was recently treated with antibiotics, their milk can’t be sold.