West Central Valley WildcatThe 2013-14 school year is coming to a close.

Over at West Central Valley, they’re holding their Awards Night banquet this evening in a week that will be full of ‘goodbye-esque’ events.

High school principal Debbie Wilson speaks highly of her group of seniors that will be graduating this coming weekend, and she now shares with us a few parting words as she gets ready to bid them adieu.

“We think (our seniors) are very a good class.  I think they are prepared.  They have numerous careers that they’re looking for in their post-secondary education, their jobs, and some of them are going to the military so we sure wish them a lot of luck.  They really have been a fun group of kids to work with and they’ve been involved in a lot of things, they’ve done nicely in their academic work also… We wish them well on their next endeavor.”

Tonight’s Awards Night ceremony at West Central Valley begins at 7pm in the high school commons area.  The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony for new members will follow immediately after awards are handed out.

Anyone with questions about tonight’s events can call West Central Valley High School at 515-523-1313.

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