Jefferson MattersNow that spring is here and summer is on the way, the Jefferson Matters: Main Street design committee is organizing a cleanup day for the downtown area this weekend.

JMMS Program Director Alan Robinson says various service organizations and individual volunteers will be cleaning up the downtown square in Jefferson on Saturday, May 17th starting at 9am.

He states that they want to spruce up the downtown area in preparation of several events that will be taking place in that area.  Robinson talks about how the design committee wanted to do something to get the downtown area ready to be showcased all summer long.

“We are really getting a lot of activity from our design committee, that’s who’s driving the whole clean up project.  And they look to be putting in some hanging flower baskets around the square in downtown Jefferson.  This is another project that’s been in discussion through the long winter months and this is all coming to fruition on Saturday, (May) the 17th.”

He points out that some people will be painting some of the store fronts while others will be cleaning windows of the businesses.

However, Robinson is looking for more volunteers to help out with the clean up day.  He can be reached at 515-386-3585 to sign up.


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