The Perry City Council received two proposals to build more housing and moved forward with the items at their latest meeting.
City Administrator Sven Peterson says a review committee looked over both proposals and recommended Capital Homes LLC to build a multi-residential development on their city owned lot of Blue Jay Addition Lot 8 Block 8, located off Willis east of the Hamlin Bell Apartments. Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio that this development will be a great addition to the community.
“It’ll be a nice five unit townhome, all kind of in a nice little row home. Attached garages. A little patio off the back. I am just very excited about these. And I think it’s a product that Perry really will appreciate.
Peterson says they will start building as soon as possible and it roughly takes them a year to get the development up and running. The Council accepted the review committee’s recommendation and awarded the proposal submitted by Capital Homes, LLC.