
With winter weather still making an appearance, many individuals don’t like to leave home.

Guthrie County Hospital Clinical and Outpatient Dietitian Carol Laughery says that especially for adults, lack of exercise paired with consumption of too many calories can lead to overweight and obese individuals. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that many times, people might not even know how many calories they are consuming.

“The thing that I see with adults is, it’s habit, and habits can be hard to break. So if you know you have habits that are not leading to a healthy weight, that is the first place you start. I don’t know if any of you ever put gas in your car and sit out at a convenience store and watch the amount of people that go in and out and are walking out with a piece of pizza and a tall soda. They don’t even know they’re gettin six, seven, eight hundred calories.”

Laughery adds that even if adults don’t exercise a lot, if they eat the right amount of calories they can maintain a healthy weight.