
There are currently bills in both the Iowa House and Senate pertaining to the prohibition of gender ideology and sexual orientation in school curriculums.

The Senate bill would prohibit sexual topics in the curriculum for kindergarten through eighth grade. District 12 Senator Amy Sinclair says that while she hasn’t had time to do a deep dive into the Senate bill, she believes that non-custodial adults should not be talking about sex with young children. However, she tells Raccoon Valley Radio that she’s not opposed to sexual topics being taught in traditional health classes.

“There are issues of sexuality that are often addressed through just healthy wellness classes, helping girls understand their menstrual cycle, or boys the changes in their bodies. And I understand that that’s historically been part of the curriculum, and so I don’t know that I would be interested in changing that necessarily. But absolutely, if you’re asking me, ‘Should we be talking about sex with six-year-olds?’ We should not be, and I don’t care what kind of sex that is.”

Sinclair adds that she agrees that sexuality should not be a topic of discussion for children who are at an age that they don’t even know what sexuality is.