
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

The Board heard an update from County Conservation Director Brad Halterman, who wants to trade in a mower for a new one. He added that they are looking at bids for a zero turn mower, and the new machine would be used at Nations Bridge Park. The Board also approved a payroll change notice for the County Attorney’s Office, so that they could hire the new Assistant County Attorney, Zoee Risdal.

The Board then approved an abatement of taxes in Stuart for an emergency access road, and approved the appointment of Erica Finster as the Deputy Treasurer. They also approved three items pertaining to the Law Enforcement Center Project. The first was to pay the retainage fee for Jensen Group, the second was a change order for work to be done to the walls in the exercise room, and the third was to enter into a contract with Signature Masonry for the work on those walls. The Jensen Group will reimburse the County for the work done by Signature Masonry, but said they would only do so if they received their retainage fee.