
The Adel Public Library is hosting a family fun competitive event that is fast approaching. 

There will be a family puzzle competition from 10am until noon on February 25th at the library. Patron Services Manager Amy Puck says that teams will be four to six family or friends that will have the objective to complete a 300 and 500 piece puzzle. Puck says that this is the first time doing a contest like this. 

“Well, we have a lot of puzzles that get donated to us on a regular basis, and so we are just looking for some kind of activity that will bring people together in the wintertime because nobody wants to go outside right now.”

Puck says there will be an award for the team that completes the puzzle or has the fewest remaining pieces. She encourages those interested to visit their website to register for this event.

Adel Public Library :: Adel Public Library