There are lots of free entertainment options in Perry this weekend.
The Carnegie Library Museum is hosting several dramatic arts events tomorrow in conjunction with Antique Days.
Iowa Poet Laureate Mary Swander will be in town hosting the events that include both professional actors as well as local talent.
“There’s Vang which is a reenactment between two professional actors from Iowa State talking about farming and the immigration struggle. As well as Farmscapes which is reenacted by local actors it’s all dialogue, real dialogue of local farmers and local immigrants talking about their experiences and their hardships and their triumphs as well” says Wilson.
That’s Chamber executive director Bob Wilson who says things like this are why we should love living in or visiting Perry.
“This is a great way to celebrate not only the community, but the region and get outside. It’s a small town and we do a lot of really, really cool things and that’s why we stay here, that’s why we put our money here, that’s why we love to be from Perry. So let’s just continue doing that.”
It all starts at 2pm with a dramatic monologue workshop with Swander and continues through the evening.
All events are free and open to the public.