Panorama-Panthers-Picture11A Panorama high school class has been raising money for the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation this week.

Chase Lane, a senior in Brook Grett’s english communication class, explains how he and his fellow students picked this particular charity for their fundraiser.

“We just kind of brainstormed a bit and thought, ‘this is a good charity that deserves some money’, so it was an easy pick for us… and each year our school has a breast cancer ‘Pink Out’, and one of my friend’s grandma is the main ladies in charge of that, so it’s always been something I’ve been around and used to.”

Lane says the idea of fundraising for the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation was the consensus top choice amongst his classmates.

The fundraiser consists of simply selling $2 breast cancer awareness bracelets to Panorama school and community members.  All proceeds will go directly to the Foundation.  So far 50 people in the Panora area have signed-up to pledge their $2.

Anyone who would like to support the fundraiser is encouraged to call Panorama High School at 641-755-2317.  Tomorrow is the last day to pledge a donation.

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