In a recent Guthrie County Board of Supervisors meeting, the topic of the All Systems Permit came up.

Guthrie County Engineer Josh Sebern talked about it with the Board in his monthly update, and they discussed if Guthrie County should opt in on the program. Sebern tells Raccoon Valley Radio what the permit is.

“Effectively, it puts into a permanent place the Governor’s Fall Proclamation. Every year for the past however many years, the Governor would put out a proclamation allowing for loads to be heavier than what is traditionally considered legal, so to speak. So that has been basically put into place in the form of an annual permit. So a trucking company, trucking hauler can apply for this permit through the DOT (Department of Transportation), and there’s a map on the DOT’s website. They can travel on all of the roads that are shown there.”

Sebern mentions that at the moment, Counties have the ability to choose if they will use the program, and if they do, to what degree they’ll use it. He adds that he believes that Guthrie County will use the program, and that he’s drafting a map of what roads they would most likely use the permits on.