The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, County Attorney Thomas Laehn gave an update. He said his office now has 80 pending criminal cases and he was also assigned as special prosecutor for a criminal case in Boone County as well. He also reminded the Supervisors about a criminal jury trial slated for January 24th. Laehn mentioned that he hoped to have a draft of the building and grounds policy to present at next week’s meeting.
Next, the Board approved the resolution directing the acceptance to purchase $3.3 million in general obligation bonds for the E-911 service tower and required communication equipment and authorizing the execution of the purchase agreement. Heidi Kuhl with Northland Securities said the interest rate for the ten-year repayment schedule for the bonds is 3.06-percent with a debt service levy rate under $0.42.
Then the Board approved to update both the Title VI non-discrimination agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation and the US Department of Transportation Title VI non-discrimination assurances as presented, as well as the county substance abuse prevention semi-annual report. They also set February 6th as the public hearing date for an amendment to the current fiscal year county budget and they review the county treasurer’s budget proposal for the 2024 fiscal year. The Board took no action following the proposal as they consider all budgets during the budgetary work sessions.