
The Menlo Public Library is hosting some fun events this month.

On Tuesdays at 10am will be Toddler Time, which is a bunch of fun activities for toddlers, like songs, storytelling and crafts. On Monday’s at 10am the library will have Story Time with a variety of topics. On January 9th, they will have a Snow Day Story and allow the children to play with snow, and on the 16th, it will be “Pajama Day.” Since there is also no school on the 16th, the library will have a treasure hunt for school aged children.

On January 23rd, the topic for Story Time will be “Who Ate all the Cookie Dough” and the children will have some cookies to enjoy. For the last Story Time of the month, the topic is “Build Me a Home” and the children will have a house building craft that goes along with the story.