On Friday night about 82 FFA members and their parents attended the end-of-the-year banquet for the Greene County High School FFA Chapter.
The evening was filled with recognitions for new members and this year’s retiring officer class. President Andy Anthofer tells Raccoon Valley Radio how great this year’s program was and the addition of their new advisory with Cortney Schmidt.
“We did all sorts of stuff that in the past that hadn’t been in the past but I really think we took it to the limit this year. We grew immensely, we went from under 25-30 people (and) we doubled that (and) almost tripled. Next year, we are planning to have over 100 students (and) I hope that we hit that mark. It’s been wonderful, I can’t believe we had this many kids and it’s been wonderful to have every single one of them.”
Other retiring officers for this year include vice-president Thea Ballard, secretary Jolee Wessling, treasurer Wade Wuebker, reporter Noelle Gray and sintenial Cassidy Carstens.
Others who were recognized were the first-year FFA members and they received Greenhand Degrees, second-year members received Chapter Degrees and the special service award went to Zachary Sukovaty.
Susan and Chan Burkett were presented with the honorary FFA degrees along with Mike and Kathy Bravard.
Schmidt thanked the audience for their support and looks forward to what the future will bring to the program.