
1st place winner Annabelle Sanders (left)

The Jefferson American Legion Post #11 recently announced its top three finishers for an annual contest.

Last month, Vice Commander Jim Andrew and Flag Essay Chair Barb Labate made a presentation to the top three fifth graders for their annual Fifth Grade Flag Essay Contest. The students are asked to write an essay about what the flag means to them. First place was Annabelle Sanders, second place went to Charlotte Sand and Sedona Stevens placed third.

There were 63 students that participated in the contest, under the guidance of fifth grade teacher Kim Braun. For winning the local contest, Sanders will have her essay advance onto the district contest and will be asked to read her essay at the 2023 Memorial Day ceremony at the Jefferson City Cemetery. The top three also received checks for $30 to first place, $20 for second and third place received $10.