
The Greene County School Board met Wednesday in regular session.

The Board approved their goals for the rest of the school year, which included academic excellence, recruit and retain quality staff, resource management and community relations. The Board also approved two fundraising requests as presented, soccer coaching contracts for the spring 2023 season, and the first reading of a new board policy for radon mitigation. The new policy requires radon testing to be done starting in 2025 and if there is an unacceptable level of radon found, the district must submit a mitigation plan by 2027. 

Additionally, the Board approved the modified supplemental funding request to the School Budget Review Committee for $441,531 for the at risk and dropout prevention program, leasing a new Samsara GPS to the fleet of 15 school buses for parents and guardians to track where the buses are at live when they are dropping off and picking up students. The program is a three year contract with a cost of $4,500 for the software and a one time cost of $500 for the required equipment. Finally, the Board approved to send out for bids a roof repair project for the middle school that is slated to be done this summer.