The community breakfast free will donation fundraiser for Panorama Days is officially upon us.
The event will be held tomorrow morning from 8 to 10:30am at PJ’s Drive-In in Panora, and it will be the first such fundraiser for Panorama Days. Executive Director Chaille Crandall explains why she believes having such an event is a necessity this year.
“After doing Panorama Days last year, I kind of saw how much money needs to go into Panorama Days for it to be successful and for people to be happy with what is going on that weekend. Stuff is getting expensive these days. The live music all day long, the Kid Zone–stuff like that… if we want to have a good Panorama Days, we have to raise money.”
Crandall says she doesn’t have a fundraising goal in mind for tomorrow’s event since it is the first ever.
Joe Wiesz, the owner of PJ’s, will be serving a breakfast buffet at the event. Crandall says Wiesz’s willingness “to stick his neck out for Panora” is a big help to her Panorama Days efforts and the community in general.
Panora Chamber volunteers are asked to be at PJ’s at 7am tomorrow morning to help Crandall with set-up.