
The Perry Area Food Pantry is asking the community to think about giving during a time of economic uncertainty. 

Food Pantry Director Lou Hoger says they are facing a record high demand. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio recently they had their second highest attendance with 26 families visiting the pantry which is two short of the record high set in 2020. 

“So our numbers have been increasing and we’ve seen a lot of people who have not used the pantry in nine months to a year coming back a lot more repeat business every month or two, and new people that have never used the pantry before.”

He says they are in need of commodities like hamburger, tuna, pasta, rice, cereal, canned pork and beans along with soups and many more items. The food pantry will be open to receive food donations on Tuesday mornings from 10 to 12:30pm, Thursday afternoons from 1 to 3:30pm or by contacting the food pantry by their phone number 515-570-0627. Also monetary donations can be sent to their P.O. box or their website. That information is listed here. 


Donation of food can

be received on Tuesday mornings (10-12:30), Thursday

afternoons (1-3:30pm) or by leaving in the grocery cart outside

our door, and/or contacting at 515-570-0627. Financial

Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 156, Perry, IA 50220 or may

be given on-line from the link Facebook at Perry Emergency

Food Pantry