
The Jefferson Street/Sewer/Sanitation/Water committees met in regular session earlier this week.

The sewer committee reviewed a sewer adjustment request for a homeowner that had a leaking garden hose. The total sewer charge was $232.53 and the city’s policy requires the homeowner to pay the first $100 before requesting the rest to be forgiven, which the committee will recommend to the city council to do that. 

The water committee heard an update on the Russell Street water main improvement project. City Engineer Jim Leiding said the contractor is done replacing the water main and is now connecting all service lines. 

The streets committee heard a request for signage by the new Children’s Center, formerly the Greene County Early Learning Center in Jefferson. Board Co-President Jacque Andrew asked to have signage posted by their facility notifying the motoring public to be aware to slow down, due to children being picked up and dropped off on Vine Street. The city has certain signage on hand and will be able to install one sign on a utility pole on the east side of Vine Street and will need to assess a location on the west side. 

Additionally, the streets committee discussed allowing all-terrain vehicles on city streets, due to the new state law that was enacted earlier this year. Police Captain Jason Kroeger said their law enforcement committee reviewed the request and unanimously agreed to not include ATVs into the existing ordinance. Council member Dave Sloan disagreed and wanted to bring the topic to the city council for initial discussion because he had several residents ask to get the ordinance changed. 

The streets committee also reviewed proposals for security cameras at public works buildings. Public Works Director Dave Morlan presented two quotes from ByteSpeed for one camera on the west side of the street building for $4,109 and a second quote for three cameras on the north and south sides of the water plant for $11,867. He said the funding exists in the current budget and the committee agreed with the purchase.