
It’s National Fire Prevention Week and people should start thinking of ways to not allow fires to happen within their own homes.

Perry Fire Chief Chris Hinds tells Raccoon Valley Radio with Halloween and additional holiday seasons approaching, when using electricity to power outdoor decorations, don’t cover up the extension cords with blankets or sheets.

“Laying something like that over the top of the cord causes the cord to build up excess heat and that can cause a fire hazard. Because the cords need to breathe themselves just the same as anything else does and they need the air to keep them cool.”

Hinds points out there are several preventative maintenance measures people need to take before turning on their homes’ heating source. During the spring and summer, Hinds says birds can leave nests and other debris inside a chimney or a flue, which can lead to a bigger problem if not cleaned up before you use them.

“And that can cause carbon monoxide to back up in the home and of course that is a very dangerous thing that can actually kill people. It’s a very silent deadly killer. It’s odorless, it’s very dangerous. So it’s great to get your chimney or your flue checked and cleaned.”

Hinds adds to also get your duct work cleaned if you have a natural gas heater.