Jefferson Scranton School BoardThe Jefferson-Scranton School Board met yesterday in regular session.

The Board accepted the 2012-13 audit.  It was reported that the general fund revenues increased $592,945 for fiscal year 2013 to $12,230,500.  Expenses were also up to $1.17 million with an ending fund balance of $31,784.  The increase in expenses is attributed mainly to an increase in salaries and benefit packages.

During the district reading update, elementary principal Scott Johnson said that based off the current Iowa Assessment scores and STAR test data, about 60-70 students will be recommended to take summer school to help them be proficient in reading

During the curriculum update, Karen Sandberg told the Board that 3rd-11th graders showed that at least 75% of all students were proficient in math, reading and science from the recent Iowa Assessment report.

The Board had a discussion about the Greene County Early Learning Center.  Superintendent Tim Christensen said that there is currently 25 kids on a waiting list to get into the program and the administrators were looking into expansion options.  One option was to bring in mobile office space for administrative offices which would free up two rooms at the current building on West Madison.  However, the other option is that there is an empty classroom at the middle school that could be used.

No action was taken on the issue because it was decided that the Greene County School Board would vote on it later this school year.

As far as the three year-old preschool program, Christensen reported that there was 31 kids who had interest if there was a tuition-based program that would be offered next year.

Christensen recommended that the May and June Jefferson-Scranton School Board regular meetings would follow the Greene County School Board meetings on the second Wednesday of the month to eliminate at least one of the J-S meetings before both J-S and East Greene official combine to make the Greene County School District in July and the Board agreed with the recommendation.

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