Panora City Hall The Panora City Council met earlier this week, and a few significant city related items were discussed.

City Administrator Lisa Grossman tells Raccoon Valley Radio that Mid American Energy’s Mark Reinders began the meeting by addressing the Council to discuss Panora’s residential gas service contract, which is up for renewal in May.  Reinders is recommending the City sign a new 25-year agreement.

Grossman says no action was taken and the Council will continue to discuss the gas service contract over the next month or so.

Next, the Council approved a $5,000 contract with GSI to be the third-party contractor that will perform soil sampling and concrete testing work at the location of Panora’s new Public Works facility. Grossman says work on that Public Works building is supposed to begin in a couple weeks.

To pay for this new Public Works facility, the Council has decided to enter a General Obligation Loan with Panora State Bank for $307,800.  Grossman says $250,000 of that total is solely for construction of the new building, while the rest will be used to purchase equipment.

Grossman says the City will not use taxpayer monies to pay for the project, rather local option sales tax monies will be used to pay for the building itself. The City’s proprietary fund will pay for the new equipment.

Finally, the Council approved the eventual purchase of a new ambulance for Panora EMS.  Grossman says that cost is about $172,000, but it likely won’t be put in use until next year.

Panora City Council will next convene on Monday, April 28th, at 6:30pm in City Hall.

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