
The US Consumer Goods and Services Index has seen the largest increase in 40 years and a local food pantry is feeling the effects. 

Adair-Casey Food Pantry Board Member Peggy Synder says they have seen a steady increase of foot traffic of people of all ages at their food pantry this summer. She explains that the grocery store prices are rising weekly and it’s putting a burden on them and their customers.

“We have to be very selective where we shop to get the best prices.”

Snyder says their biggest needs are paper products, canned vegetables, macaroni and spaghetti and also different types of meats. She says there are many ways to donate food and monetarily. 

“A check just made out to the food pantry, and it can be sent to the Methodist Church in Casey. Or if they want to call the church and leave their number, we’ll be glad to get back in touch with them if they want to donate canned goods.”

The Adair-Casey Food Pantry located on McPherson Street in Casey is open every second Thursday of the month from 6 to 8pm and every fourth Saturday from 9 to 11am.