
Life for county public health departments were turned on their heads when the covid pandemic shifted how we look at our own lives.

However, since 2020, Greene County Public Health has found themselves coming back into a more normal state of mind, but covid continues to be one of their priorities they get from the community.

“We receive calls daily from the public with questions regarding isolation recommendations, like they tested positive (for covid) at home and they’re not really sure what to do. They also ask where to obtain testing? We get a lot of questions about traveling and testing. And we really do anticipate more calls now that school has started.”   

Wolf points out the biggest challenge for her department in relation to covid is trying to stay on top of the constantly changing information.

“My nurses do a phenomenal job of keeping everything straight and trying to understand of: what vaccine and when can you give it? What’s the dosage? What’s the time frame in between (doses)? It’s just very complicated but they’ve done an amazing job of keeping track of that.” 

Greene County Public Health holds twice a week covid vaccine clinics at their main office at Greene County Medical Center, Level B on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am-4pm. Contact them at 515-386-3228 to schedule an appointment for a vaccine or more information regarding covid.