Local police departments are stepping up their enforcement with the beginning of the school year rapidly approaching.
Perry Police Chief, Dan Brickner says that the Perry department will be “intensive” with their patrols, with their primary focus happening before and after the typical school hours. And they aren’t just looking at vehicles either. If an officer notices a child walking in a dangerous manner, between cars or not on a sidewalk, they will tell them to walk in a safer location.
However, when it comes to tracking down those who don’t follow school-related traffic laws, Brickner says they get a lot of help from the bus drivers. In fact, in many cases, the bulk of citations given out to those who do illegally pass school buses are originally reported by the bus drivers. They are always watching for other drivers, Brickner adds.
Brickner goes on to remind parents of the city’s ordinance for the elementary school’s drop off zones. The north side of the school is only for school buses to drop off and pick up students, while both the west and east side of the school is for parent access. Brickner says it not only helps with the safety for the students, but it also keeps the flow of the traffic moving.
All drivers are asked to be patient while driving in school zones and to be mindful of the posted speed limit.