
Today and tomorrow are the featured days for two Dallas County school districts during their respective homecoming weeks.

Perry High School will be spending part of today doing various community service projects and programs with their annual Volunteer Day. Superintendent Clark Wicks talks about the important role Volunteer Day plays for the students.

“I think when you start to learn to serve others before yourself is a huge, huge mindset in it of itself. And the things that’s been so cool about the Volunteer Day is kids do such a good job with going out, folks get on the job, being very cordial to people and I think they can always look back and say, ‘You know what? I helped to make a positive difference.’”    

Following that will be the parade at 5:30pm, a junior class cookout from 6-8pm in the high school parking lot and they will be serving a pork loin meal for a free will donation and then the king and queen coronation will take place in the gym. Raccoon Valley Radio’s Big Red Radio will broadcast the ceremony live starting around 8pm. 

The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn High School TigerFest is tomorrow. The event includes a variety of bounce houses and free kids games from 5:30-7pm at the high school, along with the ADM Athletic Booster Club is sponsoring a senior athlete autograph tent and the FFA’ers will also help serve food and dessert at the concession area of the football stadium. A district pep rally will begin at 7pm, followed by the king and queen coronation, and Big Red Radio will also broadcast live that ceremony starting around 7pm.