
The Dallas County Law Enforcement Center held an open house this past Wednesday to celebrate Sheriff Chad Leonard who after nearly 16 years as sheriff has decided to retire.

Recently retired Dallas County Sheriff Chad Leonard went through five elections as sheriff and won each one along the way. During the open house numerous community members along with other law enforcement members came out to celebrate his career which Leonard said he was thankful for after spending 28 years in law enforcement.

“I just hope everybody continues to support the sheriff’s office and support law enforcement in Iowa in general. I’ve been in the county here 26 of my 28 years and everybody in this county has always been great and I have appreciated everyday that I have served the public here.”

Throughout the years Leonard was able to help the sheriff’s office accomplish many goals all the way from the building of the new law enforcement center along with turning the sheriff’s office around after winning a special election in 2006 after the previous Dallas County Sheriff was arrested. One person who knows how much of an impact Leonard’s leadership has had over the years is Chief Deputy Adam Infante who has been with the sheriff’s office for 22 years, with a majority of those years spent with Leonard as sheriff and Infante is thankful for what Leonard did for the sheriff’s office over the years.

“He came into a very tumultuous office and completely reformed it. I mean he brought confidence back, he brought our reputation back, he instilled discipline and structure in this office, in a sense he completely rebuilt it. It took him a long time to find the right people to help him do that but we are night and day different than when we were when he first started for the better, much better.”

The last day for Sheriff Leonard was August 31st and the Dallas County Board of Supervisors has decided to fill the vacancy by appointment and that notice will be published on September 8th and then the Board can officially fill the vacancy for sheriff.