
The Guthrie County Fair will continue tomorrow  with a quality schedule put together. 

The day will get started early in the morning with the 4H and FFA Swine Show at the show ring at 8am.  Also, at 8am, the cribbage tournament will begin at the 4H and FFA Educational Center and following that the 4H and FFA Horse Show will begin at 8:30am and at 9am the open class ag exhibit judging will begin. 

The afternoon schedule will include the sheep and goat show at 12:30pm at the show ring, 1pm is the soothing healthy teas demonstration at the Ag Hall, from 4 to to 8pm is the Lazy Elf Easel by Sarah Hansen, 4:30 to 6:30pm there will be a musical performance from Brick Imerman and then the clover show at 5pm in the show ring. Fairboard Vice President Erin Bendickson encourages the fairgoers to stick around for the grandstand event that includes mutton busting and Grand River Rodeo. 

“So mutton busting is where kids are able to come in and ride a sheep. So we will have them come out of a shoot, we’ll have helmets for them and they will get a chance to ride a sheep and see if they can stay on for the allotted time frame. The Grand River Rodeo, it’s the Grand River Company coming in and then they just put on a rodeo for us. Every year we have the bear backs, the saddle broncs. We’ll have the bull riding and of course, the barrel racing.”

Raccoon Valley Radio’s Big Red Radio will be broadcasting from Guthrie County Fair tomorrow  from 10am until 6pm.