The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During reports, County Engineer Wade Weiss gave updates on two road and bridge construction projects. He said the County Road P-46 road construction and bridge replacement projects could be bid let in December with work to be done next year. As for the County Road E-57 pavement project, Weiss said bid letting could be in November with work done next year.
The Board then unanimously approved calling for a special election to issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $12,685,000 to design, construct, equip, furnish and make land site improvements for a new county jail for the November 8th general election.
The Board also approved a resolution to set September 12th at 9am to authorize a loan agreement and issuing essential county purpose bonds not to exceed $3.8 million for peace officers communication equipment and other emergency services communication equipment and systems including a new tower and radios for first responders. During the discussion, it was mentioned that the Greene County E-911 Service Board will engage with a company that will look at all possibilities, including possibly working with local utilities with existing towers that need to be 250-feet to be receptive with the state’s communication system.
The Board also approved two engagement agreements with Northland Securities for financing the proposed jail and a communications tower.
Finally, the Board discussed adding a utility scale energy system provision to the county’s code of ordinances. They are targeting September 12th for a public hearing for the recodification and the first reading for a utility scale solar power ordinance.