The Jefferson Streets/Sewer/Sanitation/Water Committees met Tuesday in regular session.
The sewer committee heard an update on the wastewater treatment plant improvement project. City Engineer Jim Lieding and a Bolton and Menk representative from Mankato, Minnesota said there was another increase in the overall project cost for a total of $16.6 million. The reason given for the nearly $1.6 million increase was due to higher material costs. The committee discussed having the city council table its public hearing for Tuesday, August 23rd to issue $15 million in revenue bonds. However, due to the increased cost, the public hearing will need to be rescheduled.
Then, the water committee discussed having to increase its water rates. City Administrator Mike Palmer presented estimated costs if rates were increased 3, 4 or 5-percent. He said the issue is that with the current three-percent rates, it’s costing more in expenditures. The committee will recommend a five-percent increase that would go into effect for the December billing.
The streets committee heard a cost estimate and proposal for the reconstruction project on West Lincoln Way. The cost estimate that was presented by Bolton and Menk was $5.4 million. Initial plans include six-foot wide sidewalks on both sides of West Lincoln Way from Highway 4 to Grimmell Road, along with a 41-foot wide street, with new water mains and service lines, and a new storm sewer. The project could be paid for through tax increment financing. The committee didn’t take action on the project, pending further review with the city’s financial advisor.
Also under the streets committee, Jefferson resident and business owner Tim Pound requested the city consider changing its ordinance for all-terrain and utility vehicles. He wanted it to be more in compliance with newly enacted state ordinance. The city’s ordinance allows for people 16 and older to operate golf carts and side-by-side UTVs. Police Chief Mark Clouse said it wouldn’t be in the best interest to make changes because of public safety concerns. The committee didn’t take action but wants feedback from the law enforcement committee.