Clancy Clawson
The first two recipients were recently announced for a new grant program in Jefferson.
Alyssa Rhoades and Clancy Clawson will be two new Jefferson residents who are the first recipients of the remote worker grant through the Jefferson Wants You Initiative. The grant helps to offset the cost for those who choose to do their work remotely in Jefferson at Gravitate Coworking.
Rhoades will be coming to Jefferson and will continue working in marketing for Lincoln Federal Savings Bank in Lincoln, Nebraska. She plans to use a “floating desk” at Gravitte 3-5 times per week. Clawson is employed by the College Board on a team that is responsible for digital SAT tests. He is also moving to Jefferson and will work in one of the two private offices at Gravitate.
Gravitate has different ranges of memberships, including one year memberships. In order to qualify for the grant, individuals must use the space at least three times per week. The committee has a goal to award eight more remote worker grants this year. This grant was made possible through a Rural Return Grant from the Empower Rural Iowa Initiative, along with several local utilities, financial institutions and a Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation grant. Click the link below to access the application.