At their most recent meeting, the Perry City Council approved the next round of crack sealing road improvements.
The Council approved a quote from Parking Lot Specialities in the amount of $47,550 for various crack sealing projects and City Administrator Sven Peterson says the project isn’t the first in the community in the past few years.
“This is just playing into our pavement maintenance program. So, kind of something that we’ve been developing over the last few years but ties in with some of our street reconstruction as well as those overlay projects that we’ve been doing.”
Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio the goal of the project is to look at the roads in the community and find the streets that aren’t in need of an overlay or replacement and could benefit from having the cracks filled in.
“This around $50,000 helps extend the life of some of those roads so that we are able to get a little bit more life out of them and not have to spend as much money repaving them or overlaying those roads.”
Peterson says the work is typically done when the weather is warm so that the sealant can adhere to the road easily.