The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, County Engineer Wade Weiss talked about last week’s Highway 30 Coalition meeting. He said there was a resolution that was approved for the stretch of Highway 30 from Lisbon to DeWitt to oppose a “Super 2” road to be installed instead of a four-lane highway through that area. He also mentioned that the Iowa Department of Transportation will be re-surfacing and installing turn lanes with the intersection of Grimmell Road near the Greene County High School in 2023 for $7 million from Highway 25 to Highway 4.
The Board then heard an update from Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer, who mentioned that the plantings along East Lincoln Way will be done later this fall.
The Board approved the Sheriff’s quarterly report of fees from April through June of $48,873, and a resolution for a temporary transfer of $163,500 from debt service for a payment to Midland Power Cooperative for the new law enforcement center administrative building. They also approved one application for a disabled veteran homestead tax credit as presented, as well as approving Tanner and Jana Taylor to be added as Mahanay Maestros for a special concert on July 13th from 5:15-5:30pm.
They heard an update from New Cooperative about purchasing 40 acres of property in section 27 of Highland Township to build two 45,000 gallon anhydrous ammonia tanks. Finally, the Board held a workshop on solar panel ordinance. The Board wants to establish a county ordinance for utility grade solar panel projects, such as the current proposed 1,000 acre project by NationalGrid Renewables to be located near Grand Junction. The Board anticipates having its first reading by August, so it can be put into effect ahead of their six month moratorium on solar projects, which is due to expire at noon on September 26th.