The Perry School Board approved a fund transfer at their regular meeting Monday.
The Board approved a transfer of $125,000 from the general fund to the student construction fund for the financing of a student construction house at 2124 Otley in Perry. Also, the Board approved the 2022/23 stipends and memorandum of understanding for administrative assistants which provides a stipend and an architect for the Perry Elementary kitchen remodel which was approved to be Sande Design for a fee of $104,945.
Then the Board approved a cell phone/smartwatch policy for 2022/23 which outlines the use for cell phones and smartwatches to help keep students engaged in what they need to be doing and will only allow students to use phones between classes and lunch. The students will store their phones/smartwatches with teachers at the start of each class period or they are to be stored in lockers.
The Board then approved price increases for the food service program, student handbook revisions, Board Treasurer in Kent Bultman and legal counsel in Ahlers and Cooney for 2022/23 and the appointment of bank depositories and limit amounts.
Finally, the Board approved level 1 investigators in Mel Raskie and Clark Wicks and level two investigator in Eric Vaughn , equity and equal opportunity and affirmative action officer in Angelica Cardenas-Diaz, Title IX coordinators in Kevin Vidergar and Clark Wicks, Section 504 and ADA coordinator in Laura Skeel, homeless coordinator in Angelica Cardenas-Diaz and an agreement between Iowa NET High Academy, Incorporated and the Perry Community School District.