
When school gets out families look for fun activities throughout the summer, and the Roy R. Estle Memorial Library in Dallas Center has plenty with its summer reading program.

The summer reading program is officially underway at the Roy R. Estle Memorial Library but people can still get registered to participate. Library Director Shelly Cory says there are activities for everyone.

“We try to reach out to people of all ages. So, we have a great children’s summer reading program where they can log minutes that they read at home and get entered into a prize (drawing) for turning those logs in. For our teens we have a couple of programs that we do to try to get that age group in here and get them active with the library. We just do a fun craft or a project with them.”

Cory tells Raccoon Valley Radio there is also programming that is geared towards adults as well including family movie matinees among other activities. Cory says to get the reading logs you should register which has a form for families to fill out. 

“Our programming is open to anybody, they don’t have to be signed up for our reading program to come to the presenters and the programming.”

To get registered to participate with the reading logs you can visit the library and for more information on events throughout the year you can go here.