The Perry School Board will discuss the next steps for the elementary school kitchen renovation and an additional elementary gymnasium at their regular meeting tonight. 

Also, the Board will consider approving the 2022-23 milk vendor. The Board will then consider approving the bakery vendor and a contract with 21st Century Rehab for sports medicine services both for 2022-23.

Then the Board will consider approving the Return-to-Play protocol, revisions of board policies, the participation in the School Administrators of Iowa Mentoring and Induction program and a 50-percent reduction in program fees for Perry’s Academic, Cultural and Enrichment Services for summer P.A.C.E.S. staff for summer 2022 only. 

Finally, the Board will consider approving the 2022 summer food service hourly rates, a 28E agreement with St. Pat’s and the Perry Area Child Development Center for 2022-23 and a transfer from the general fund to the student activity fund for protective and safety equipment for 2022-23. 

The Perry School Board will meet at 6 p.m. tonight in the High School Brady Library.