Sarah Ostrander (left) receives $5,000 from Jefferson Wants You
Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community recently announced another recipient of the “Jefferson Wants You” initiative.
Economic Vitality Team Chair Peg Raney says the selection committee gave $5,000 to Sarah Ostrander, who is the restaurateur of The Centennial, formerly Angie’s Teagarden, at 100 East State Street in Jefferson. Raney points out the renovations are ongoing for the first floor restaurant and kitchen area, but Ostrander is excited to show it off.
“She’ll be open on the afternoon of the festival on Saturday (June 11th) just for people to peek in there and take a look. She’ll have new menus each week with salads and soups, sandwiches, entrees, and of course her delicious desserts. She’ll be catering and doing special events there too.”
The first recipient was Kristin Lang, who owns Warm Wishes that features stationary and gift items at the former Heartland Bank location at 200 East State Street in Jefferson. Raney notes Lang will have a “pop-up” store during Bell Tower Festival and she also received $5,000 from Jefferson Wants You.
Applications for other individuals or groups wanting to start their business and be considered for a $5,000 start-up grant are available, along with applications for remote workers who can receive a floating desk membership to Gravitate Coworking in Jefferson. Click the links below to access either application.
New Business:
Remote Worker: