The Perry High School Building Trades Program will be hosting an open house tomorrow for the most recent home being built by Perry Community School District students.

PHS Industrial Technology Instructor Chad Morman says from 3-7 p.m. tomorrow the community is invited out to the latest home built by the building trades program at 2124 Otley in Perry. Morman says this house is different from previous homes built by the program in terms of not being a spec house as this one is a pre-sold home which had the house being larger and the customer being more involved with the process of the home being built.

“This one is 1,800 square foot and when I say that those are all the main floors and then obviously this one has a finished basement as well. It will have three bedrooms on the main floor with two bathrooms and two bedrooms with a bathroom in the basement.”

Morman tells Raccoon Valley Radio the building trades program is beneficial for students as they can be involved with the process of the home being built throughout the entire process. Morman says there will be food at the open home tomorrow and Morman encourages people to come out.

“The house will be open for everybody to see some of the work that the kids have finished up and we will have burgers and hotdogs and water there for everybody to enjoy for a free-will donation.”

Morman says the home isn’t completely finished yet due to some issues with supply and demand for things such as cabinets among other things.