The Jefferson Streets/Sewer/Sanitation/Water committees met Tuesday in regular session.
The sewer committee recommended to the city council to forgive $295 of the $395 sewer charges for a homeowner in the 600 block of North Wilson Avenue who had a leaking water pipe, which caused the water to go into the sump pump. Under the new policy, a homeowner can request sewer charges to be forgiven if they pay the first $100.
The water committee discussed utility billing. A request was made to convert water billing to a third party in Des Moines to save on costs of materials and mailing and the city would continue to handle collections of water bills. The topic was tabled to next month to conduct a cost comparison.
The streets committee agreed with a request from Police Chief Mark Clouse about closing down Washington Street from Vine Street to Highway 4 during Cruisin’ to the Square in August for a cook-off contest in front of Dennis Murphy’s business. They also heard an update about the East Lincoln Way entry. City Administrator Mike Palmer said landscaping will be underway soon on the northern side of the street with help from a company.