

The Guthrie County Supervisors met Tuesday.

The Board held a public hearing and approved the General Obligation Urban Renewal Loan Agreement to borrow $8.5 million to fund county rural roads and bridge projects and they also approved to capture 100 percent of the wind turbine tax increment financing debit services to help pay for the agreement.  Also, the Board was updated on the American Rescue Plan Act federal funds and the county has paid $297,990 out of the $1,680,900 available. The money paid out has gone to pay to county employees during the pandemic and interview cameras for the law enforcement center.

The Board also awarded the Dodge 333 Bridge West on Highway 25 on 130th Street project to replace the wooden bridge with steel beams to Construction Leaders Company for $338,000.

The Board tabled a Samuels Group pay application (pay application doesn’t need to be capitalized) for further evaluation and approved two payroll change notices that includes hiring Kathleen Chalfant as an aid at $15 hourly for the Public Health Department and Edward Lowe as a seasonal employee at $11 hourly for the Conservation Department. 

The Board reviewed the following budgets that include department 51, public health, information technology, recorder and transfer station for fiscal year 2021-2022 and will consider taking action on those amendments at their next meeting.