The Guthrie Center School District is now a member of a new organization that is pushing to get state legislation changed as it pertains to rural school education.
Superintendent Steve Smith says his district has joined forces with the Rural School Advocates of Iowa, which he described as both a lobbying group and a network for rural school leaders.
“There are some differences and some needs that are different from urban to rural schools, and I guess looking at having some legislative voice and getting our needs on the table seems to be an important thing for folks.”
Smith is quick to point out, Rural School Advocates of Iowa is more than just a support group, it’s about building a true legislative voice, and such is evidenced by the fact that Guthrie Center Schools paid $1,000 to become an official member of the organization.
Smith says the main goal of this new rural school organization is to get state legislators to place greater priority on establishing per pupil funding for rural schools, which can sometimes be moved to the backburner as other state budgetary concerns are addressed. According to the Rural School Advocates of Iowa’s website, the organization wants to see a 6% increase in the per pupil funding for rural schools by the 2015-16 school year.
Any residents interested in obtaining more information about Rural School Advocates of Iowa can find its website by CLICKING HERE.
To hear from Smith as he talks more about some of the latest happenings in the Guthrie Center School District, tune-in to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County on K107 during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours.