The Stuart City Council met Monday. 

The Council approved the stop sign resolution on Exposition Street, 2022 fire department roster,  annual Midwest Partnership contribution and the code enforcement agreement with the Iowa Code Enforcement for a rate  increase of $250 for the next three months.

Also, the Council approved an Iowa Department of Transportation application and agreement for the use of highway right of way for utilities commendation. The Council voted four to one to use K&A Removal for a price of $200 a dumpster for the town cleanup. The lone no vote was from Council member Michael Kalbach for the reason of not accepting the lowest bid.

The Council approved the Safe Routes To School Federal Aid Agreement, the street improvement project to put asphalt on multiple streets around the city, manhole rehabilitation agreement and and approved the phase four housing addition. 

Finally,The Council discussed the removal of ash trees at the city sports complex and parks, discussed starting the White Pole road project, Hotel Stuart Development Agreement and the cemetery committee but did not take action on these items for informational purposes.