The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, Greene County Recorder Deb McDonald said a bill was passed in the Iowa House that would allow all-terrain vehicles and off-road vehicles to be on county highways and would not allow counties to regulate, limit or prohibit the use of those vehicles. She added that an amendment to the original bill was for counties that did not have an ordinance on this topic to come to an agreement to have one. The bill also passed a Senate committee and is eligible for a floor vote.
County Attorney Thomas Laehn reviewed the county’s jury trials that happened in 2021. He said they won all four criminal cases that went through a jury trial last year. He noted that every county is allowed ten jury trials annually, and they used all ten dates. However, Laehn said the defendant made a plea agreement right before the jury trial, but they still had to use those trial dates. He added he’s never happy whenever there is a plea agreement, but it was something he could live with.
The Board then held a lengthy discussion regarding the carbon dioxide underground pipeline project with Summit Carbon Solutions. County residents Dan and Sue Tronchetti addressed the Board. They shared concerns about not having liability insurance coverage if there was to be a pipeline leak, not caused by them in their easement. They also urged the Supervisors to pass a resolution opposing the use of eminent domain for private companies and possibly oppose the project altogether. Board Chair John Muir said they will consider their concerns and bring them to their anticipated inspector, Snyder and Associates, who the Board is hoping to approve at their next meeting.
The Board then approved transferring a 2003 ambulance from Greene County Ambulance to Grand Junction Rescue, a SCI proposal to purchase a security camera to monitor an outdoor absentee ballot box for $1,550, as required by state law; and the union contract with the Greene County Sheriff’s Office to give full time deputies an 11-percent wage increase, an eight-percent wage increase for jailers and telecommunicators with a seven-percent increase. These changes are effective July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023.
Finally, the Board went into closed session to discuss pending litigation. During open session, the Board approved to direct Laehn to contact the court to offer to pay $75 per hour for a guardian attorney in a pending juvenile action and clearly indicating that the county isn’t admitting to have to legally pay for the attorney fees.