A statewide grant is available for governmental entities looking to plant trees that were impacted by natural disasters.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Grant Program allows for reimbursements ranging from $500 to $5,000 to purchase and plant trees suitable to Iowa on publicly owned land. These are trees that were originally impacted by the 2020 derecho storm and the emerald ash borer. Eligible areas for trees to be planted include, but not limited to, street right-of-ways, parks, school grounds, courthouse lawns, public buildings, fairgrounds, cemeteries, libraries and trails. Applicants must also have a dollar-for-dollar cash match.
About $21,000 in matching funds are available for local governments, schools and service organizations that were included in the Governor’s Derecho Disaster Proclamation, as well as $50,000 for those entities that are part of the 84 counties with confirmed Emerald Ash Borer, which both include Greene County. Applications are due March 30th and click the link below to access the application.
Online Application: