
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

The meeting began with a public hearing regarding the proposed 2023 fiscal year budget. Following the hearing, the Council approved the budget with an overall tax levy of $15.32 per $1,000 of property valuation going into next fiscal year. The Council held two other public hearings to sell 105 and 107 North Chestnut Streets, which is the former AirTemp building. The south property was sold to Heisterkamp Properties for $51,000 of the $75,000 economic development agreement, with the remaining funds to be used for the new business of Mustard Seed Coffee Shop. Co-owner Phillip Heisterkamp said the new business will offer healthy food and coffee options. The other property at 107 North Chestnut was sold to Cretsinger and Greiner Properties with Heritage Insurance for $45,000 of their $75,000 agreement, with the remaining money to be used for updates.

Additionally, the Council approved a request for Market to Market Relay Iowa to take place on May 14th, with road closures on Lincoln Way from Wilson Avenue to Locust Street for just the early morning hours. Elijah Block was hired as the golf course clubhouse manager for $30,000 for eight months of employment, as he replaced Micah Destival. The Council also approved Dave Destival as the golf course greenskeeper for $20 per hour, Eric Fisher as a cemetery and parks worker with a $21 hourly rate, promoting Duane Onken to the lead cemetery and parks position, replacing Dave Davies that recently retired, with about a $6,000 salary increase. 

Finally, the Council approved a one time expense of $12,170 from hotel/motel tax revenues to the Bell Tower Festival Committee for a carnival and heard a quarterly report from Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community. It was announced that Beth Vander Wilt was the interim executive director, as the organization finds a permanent replacement for Reegan Hanigan, who resigned the position.