
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources recently released the 2022 list of impaired waters and there are some in the Raccoon Valley Radio-listening area. 

For Dallas County, Little Beaver Creek is listed for Low Fish IBI, the South Raccoon River and Raccoon River are listed for E. Coli. Also, Beaver Lake is listed for algal growth chlorophyll a. 

For Guthrie County, Brushy Creek and the South Raccoon River are listed for a fish kill caused by a fertilizer spill and Lakin Slough is listed for habitat alterations and a non-pollutant caused impairment. 

For Greene County, Spring Lake is listed for turbidity caused by pollutants, West Branch Buttrick Creek is listed for low aquatic macroinvertebrate IBI and the North Raccoon River is listed for E. Coli.

For an interactive map of impaired waters in Iowa you can go here.