Two family-friendly events are coming up soon with Jefferson Parks and Recreation.
Next Friday is the annual Daddy-Daughter Dance at the Greene County Community Center. The event is for any daughter that is in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and their father, grandfather or father figure are invited out for a night of fun and dancing. BassMakers will provide music and Meythaler Photography will be available for photos. Cost is $20 per couple for community members and $25 for non-members, along with $5 for any additional daughters. The dance is from 6:30-9pm. Deadline to register is today.
The Mother-Son Date Night will be on March 4th from 6-8:30pm also at the Greene County Community Center. The event is for boys that are in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and their mother, grandmother or mother figure are invited to enjoy pizza and games. Cost is $20 per couple for members and $25 for non-members, along with $5 for any additional sons.
Both events are sponsored by the Jefferson Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the VFW Auxiliary. Call the community center in Jefferson at 515-386-3412 or stop by to sign up.