
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Thursday.

The Board held a discussion about two 28E agreements with Central Iowa Community Services mental health region. County Attorney Thomas Laehn shared concerns about the process to add new counties to CICS. He said there were two ways counties could be added, one through a unanimous vote of the member counties, and the other being a majority vote from the region’s mental health board. CICS CEO Russell Wood cleared up the confusion that it was through a majority vote by the governing board, except for voting thresholds referenced in the agreement. Wood said he will also take other comments from Laehn into consideration when they have to update the agreement again near the start of the next fiscal year in July. 

The other 28E agreement regarded Franklin County as the fiscal agent and CICS. Laehn said after the required provisions from the state had been included in the agreement, he had no other objections to the agreement. The Board then indicated to Supervisor Dawn Rudolph, who serves on the governing board, to vote in favor of the agreement.

The Board then reviewed insurance coverages for the 2023 fiscal year with Joan St. Clair with Heritage Insurance. The Board took no action following the review.

Finally, the Board held a brief budget workshop. The Board agreed to hire an additional full time employee for the ambulance department. The new hire will hopefully reduce overtime pay. The County Auditor’s office is also looking to hire a new full time employee. Both new hires will start at the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1st.